The Seller ensures the Delivery of the Product(s) free of physical and legal defects. The Seller shall be liable towards the Customer if the Product has physical or legal defects (implied warranty).
If the Product is defective, the Customer may:
Submit a statement on reduction of the price or rescission of the Contract of Sale, unless the Seller immediately and without excessive inconvenience for the Customer replaces the defective Product with a non-defective one or removes the defect.
This limitation shall not apply if the Product has already been replaced or repaired by the Seller, or if the Seller failed to fulfil the obligation to replace the Product with a non-defective one or to remove the defect. The Customer may demand replacement of the Product with a non-defective one instead of removal of the defect proposed by the Seller, or demand removal of the defect instead of replacement of the Product, unless making the Product compliant with the contract in a manner chosen by the Customer is impossible or would require excessive costs as compared to the manner proposed by the Seller. When assessing if the costs are excessive, one shall take into account the value of the Product free from defects, the type and importance of the discovered defect, as well as the inconvenience experienced by the Customer in the event of other manner of satisfaction of the claim.
The Customer may not withdraw from the Sales Agreement if the defect is irrelevant. -
Demand replacement of the defective Product with a non-defective one or removal of defect. The Seller shall replace the defective Product with a non-defective one or remove the defect within a reasonable time without excessive inconvenience to the Customer.
The Seller may refuse to fulfil the Customer’s demand if making the defective Product compliant with the Contract of Sale in the manner selected by the Customer is impossible, or would require excessive costs as compared to the other possible manner of making the Product compliant with the Contract of Sale. The cost of repair or replacement shall be incurred by the Seller.
Customer, which exercises rights under the warranty, is obliged to deliver the defective item to the address of the Seller. In case of a Customer who is a Consumer and an Entrepreneur with Consumer rights, the cost of delivery is covered by the Seller.
The Seller shall be liable under the implied warranty if a physical defect is discovered before two years pass since release of the Product to the Customer. The claim for removal of defect or replacement of the Product with a non-defective one shall be barred by the statute of limitations after one year, however such time-limit may not end before a time-limit specified in the first sentence. Within this time-limit the Customer may rescind the Contract of Sale or submit a statement on reduction of the price due to defect of the Product. If the Customer demanded replacement of the Product with a non-defective one or removal of the defect, the time-limit for rescission of the Contract of Sale or submission of the statement on reduction of the price shall start running upon expiry of the time-limit for replacement of the Product or removal of the defect.
Any complaints related to the Product(s) or performance of the Contract of Sale may be submitted by the Customer in writing to the Seller’s address.
The Seller shall within 14 days from the date of demand containing the complaint express his opinion on the complaint regarding the Product(s) or performance of the Contract of Sale submitted by the Customer.
The Customer may file a complaint to the Seller in connection with free electronic services provided by the Seller. The complaint may be sent in an electronic form to the address In the complaint the Customer shall include a description of the problem. The Seller shall immediately, however not later than within 14 days, consider the complaint and respond to the Customer.
Updated 19/09/2024